Line Basic Concepts

 • We are going to study about Line Basic Concepts on Raster Screen.

• so we are going to discuss what are the different ways in which line can be represented on Raster Screen and some of there respective features.

1) Vertical and Horizontal Line 

• They have same width.

• Straight line. 

• Effective spacing is less.

• More brighter.

2) 45° Line 

• Width is not a constraint. 

• Straight line.

• More effective spacing.

• Less brighter.


• Point to remember is when there is more spacing between the points of line less brighter it will be and vice versa. 

• But more spacing leads to effectiness in orientation of line.

3) Line with other orientation

• In both of the above image the lines are nethier straight nor of same width.

• Here points of line that is Pixel is approximated because while drawing the single line at point we get two points one is above the line and another is below the line.

• But here approximation doesn't make a wide difference because pixel are very close to each other may it be above or below doesn't make a big difference.

• But the line will have a slight zig Zag in it but it won't be much visible.

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